Wednesday, October 13, 2010

so much going thru my head....

I don't even know where to begin. 
I can't get my brain to stop thinking
for long enough for the words to come out.
Today I went thru every emotion possible...
* Fear
* Sorrow
* Hatred
* Anger
* Happy
* Encouraged
* Loved
* Passion
* Strength....
the list could go on.
I don't know if I ever want to have all those emotions at once again!
Now you have to know me...
I usually think the worse and always try to fix things.
So when my husband has been in the hospital for 2 days now
and i can't do anything i feel so helpless.
When i hear the news and cancer is in the sentence
every other word becomes "blah blah blah".
I can't even put in words how i felt at that moment,
but God held me... He was there... He was always there.
Learning later that the chances it really can be cancer were slim
i let out a huge sigh of relief. ** Thank you Jesus**
In a hospital room, laying on the bed with my husband, 
crying together, feeling so scared and helpless,
was a moment I will never forget and yet i felt so close.

Thank the Lord for the people in our lives
that God has surrounded us with.
My phone almost died because of the use it got today...
answering phone calls,
reading texts,
seeing facebook messages...
all the encouragement we needed today. 
In all this God is showing us his blessings still.
I will ever be thankful for all the calls, visits and texts.
They all came at the right times, they all had the right words
when we needed to hear them, they even made us laugh at times when we needed it!

God is good.
I dearly love my husband.
I can't wait till God bring us thru this 
and we are on the other side looking back.

Thanks again for every ones prayers... we will still need them for awhile.
If I knew everyone who has been praying I wish and hope that some day we can repay you!

Love you all 

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