Sunday, October 24, 2010

Let the baking begin....

So I finally put my foot down and told my self to just do it....
I'm going to start selling my baked goods I make.

I love to bake, it is a passion of mine!
Since I am a teacher I have been able to make the cutes treats ever!
Halloween last year I made these Frankenstein jellos...

Thanksgiving last year I made these turkeys...
Christmas last year I made these Rudolph's....
So I am excited to start baking again... I already have to "customers" for Halloween parties coming up, so I will have more to add to my list of creations. 

I really enjoy cupcakes the best, but as you can see I love making anything cute and themed for events!

It's also good for sending treats into school with your kids for holidays or birthdays. I can do anything. You give me an idea or a theme and will not let you down :)

So needless to say I am very excited to start this new endeavor of mine and earn some extra MOOLA for me and the hubs :)

God is already good and providing.

I'm glad I can share my talent and "sweetness" with others <3

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just when I thought it was time to give up....

Yesterday I broke...
just couldn't hold myself together anymore
and broke!
The events of this month had finally gotten to me.
all the weddings
all the health issues with Mal
all the stress and pressure at work
the pieces started falling,
thank goodness my husband ROCKS
and was there to help pick up all the pieces.

When I was ready to throw my hands up and give up,
God has to pull His awesomeness on me!
The kids were so good today,
I was so proud of their hard work.
Mal got an earlier date set up for surgery
so he can get back to work a week earlier than planned.
Oh and just his awesome artwork he painted in the sky
for me after working out tonight....

Thank you Jesus for my many reasons to smile today...
and for reminding me that you are in control
and my life is securely in your hands.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The harder decisions in life....

Soooooooooo Halloween is coming up and I want to make cupcakes for my kiddos.... I know I definitely want to do spider cupcakes.... I just can't decide which ones!

Any suggestions are are welcome :)

hmmmm.... decisions, decisions.....

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I love my little Russians...

So my kids were so excited to make cards and pictures for Malachi... 
They have seen pictures of what he looks like,
I told him he loves to eat ice cream,
his favorite color is blue,
and he fixes cars...
this is what we got!

 (don't you love the wooly beard and the blue ice cream?)
 ( "You are the best man ever!!)
 (I like your wife)
( I wish you were cool)

So my first graders made us laugh with their words and pictures, but I think it did the trick! Mal is hopefully coming home tomorrow from the hospital.
Thank you Jesus!
It's been a 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

so much going thru my head....

I don't even know where to begin. 
I can't get my brain to stop thinking
for long enough for the words to come out.
Today I went thru every emotion possible...
* Fear
* Sorrow
* Hatred
* Anger
* Happy
* Encouraged
* Loved
* Passion
* Strength....
the list could go on.
I don't know if I ever want to have all those emotions at once again!
Now you have to know me...
I usually think the worse and always try to fix things.
So when my husband has been in the hospital for 2 days now
and i can't do anything i feel so helpless.
When i hear the news and cancer is in the sentence
every other word becomes "blah blah blah".
I can't even put in words how i felt at that moment,
but God held me... He was there... He was always there.
Learning later that the chances it really can be cancer were slim
i let out a huge sigh of relief. ** Thank you Jesus**
In a hospital room, laying on the bed with my husband, 
crying together, feeling so scared and helpless,
was a moment I will never forget and yet i felt so close.

Thank the Lord for the people in our lives
that God has surrounded us with.
My phone almost died because of the use it got today...
answering phone calls,
reading texts,
seeing facebook messages...
all the encouragement we needed today. 
In all this God is showing us his blessings still.
I will ever be thankful for all the calls, visits and texts.
They all came at the right times, they all had the right words
when we needed to hear them, they even made us laugh at times when we needed it!

God is good.
I dearly love my husband.
I can't wait till God bring us thru this 
and we are on the other side looking back.

Thanks again for every ones prayers... we will still need them for awhile.
If I knew everyone who has been praying I wish and hope that some day we can repay you!

Love you all 

Monday, October 11, 2010

You can't always get what you want....

What a weekend! I had my brother's wedding Sunday... I had a great time with my sisters (Victoria, Allie, and Sam)! We were the life of the party and on the dance floor all night long! It was glorious!

We have decided that wedding crashers are what we should become... we would bring life to weddings that are dead! 

Anyways enough about that... today was filled with doctors appointments for Malachi. My poor baby is still in pain and we are just trying to find out what the heck is exactly wrong. So I'm learning I "can't always get what I want" but since it's life and you rarely get what you want, I am learning so much. Trusting God, remembering that  He is in control of this situation. I might want answers now or things to go a certain way but ultimately God is in control of this life of mine!

I cherish my husband so much, and it pains me to see him in so much pain and feeling so helpless! UGH! But like I said he is a trooper through this all. He managed to attend my brother's wedding and stay for a little bit of the reception. 
I think a lot of people in life need to remember that they can't always get what they want... it frustrates me when people think they have the right to have everything. And yea, it's becoming easier and easier to get the things we want just like that! Everything is at a touch of the finger... the "finger of death". I wish time could rewind and we could just learn to be content with the few things God gives us and blesses us with. I cherish my husband, but sometimes I am distracted by all the other many things that are in my life that God has given me. I want to choose to love and cherish the few things in my life that mean the world to me. 1. My God 2. My Malachi 3. My family ... help me be content Lord, content and trusting you in all things.

... but you can try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need!

p.s. I'm making some fun cupcakes on Friday! Super excited... pictures will come :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Husband is so supportive....

So I think to myself yesterday where should I start??? What should I talk about??? Leave it to my husband to show support  (even though we'll see it was not intentional) to give me something to write about...

Well folks, I'm informed by my husband that he has been having these severe pains, which sound like KIDNEY STONE pains ( I would know since I survived and lived to tell the tale twice!). Any ways, you have to understand my husband and his pain tolerance... He feels no pain!!!! So when he tells me he'll go to the ER I know it serious.

Let's just say that the ER is definitely not like what you see on Grey's Anatomy haha! People were moving as slow as molasses and asking a thousand questions while my husband is slumped over with pain in the chair. So fast forward 30 minutes and we finally get to a room and we're too late folks.....
JUST KIDDING!!!! (It's amazing for how much pain he was in, he jokes an awful lot)

No worries the doctor was quick to the scene....
 ok disturbing yes... hilarious almost definitely!!!


Malachi was a trooper through all of this... all the testing, being poked and prodded, photographed by his crazy wife and still in excruciating pain! Most of these pictures are self explanatory :)  The random comments you will see are some of the hilarious words that came forth from Mal's lips while we were in the ER for 4 hours... (he was officially the nurses and doctors favorite patient! He made me proud, being the best at what he was in the situation HA!

 this nurse was his number one fan!

so all he needed was a little and he didn't think he could get any so mom and I did a little cheer for him outside the door.... I think it helped or was it the alcohol wipes?!?! 

 "high and twisted??? "

 Mal and his "kidney killer" Mal  (to the nurses): "This is how I roll"

So after our "photo- shoot" in the ER and many many laughs hearing Mal on the drugs... we were told it wasn't a kidney stone. We were told something that it could be that is... very very painful and I feel bad for the guy! But after a long night, into the wee hours of the morning we were finally able to lay our heads down and fall asleep around 4am. With little pain.

All this said: prayers are appreciated, my husband ROCKS!, I now know what it can mean to love someone so much you'll do anything for them and I hope this never happens again :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Inspirations...

My top 5 inspirations that helped me begin my blogging journey...

1. My Love and Infatuation...

2. My Passion and Enthusiasm...

3. My Desire and Obsession... (organization)
4. My Purpose and Excitement...

Lucky for me my inspirations can be shared through another aspiration of mine.... PHOTOGRAPHY!!!!

And so my blogging experience takes its first step......